Tuesday, September 28, 2021



From: Michael Hall <mghall@topeka.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 10:19 AM
To: Kevin Holland <kholland@cfse.com>; Henry McClure <mcre13@gmail.com>
Subject: Rezoning of Gordmans Site


Here is the recommendation I received from our traffic engineer. 


From: Jussel, Jim <JJussel@benesch.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 6:16 PM
To: Michael Hall <
mghall@topeka.org>; Kristi R. Ericksen <kericksen@topeka.org>; Annie Driver <adriver@topeka.org>
Cc: Johnson, Brad <
Subject: RE: Potential Truck Traffic

Kristi and Mike

You could have the applicant complete the trip generation memorandum that would compare the current land use (commercial) to the new land use (warehouse) to provide you a better estimate of the increase in the traffic.  I would recommend that the memo include the truck numbers as well and a brief description of the proposed site, including access points.  You can stipulate that this memo does not replace the need for a TIA but would be used to help define the scope of the TIA or if it is needed.  Just some thought.  Let me know if you have any questions.





Jim Jussel, PE, PTOE
Traffic Group Manager | Associate

direct: 913-213-5162   mobile: 913-690-3919    office: 913-441-1100

From: Michael Hall <mghall@topeka.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 4:56 PM
To: Kristi R. Ericksen <
kericksen@topeka.org>; Annie Driver <adriver@topeka.org>
Cc: Jussel, Jim <
JJussel@benesch.com>; Johnson, Brad <BJohnson@benesch.com>
Subject: RE: Potential Truck Traffic


Thanks Kristi. 


More questions: 


1. Considering that the building is already built and zoned for retail use, I don’t suppose we would require the owner to provide a TIA before converting the building to warehouse – am I correct in this assumption?   Conversion to a warehouse will change the nature of traffic (trucks versus cars) but not likely to increase volume, I suppose.


2.  As a condition of the PUD zoning, can we require the applicant to start by providing us with the trip generation #s – as an alternative to a TIA? 


Sorry to bug you about this – but I want to address this right up front and not wait until after they apply for the zoning change. 



Mike Hall, AICP

Manager, Current Planning

City of Topeka





From: Kristi R. Ericksen
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2021 7:02 AM
To: Michael Hall <
mghall@topeka.org>; Annie Driver <adriver@topeka.org>
Cc: Jussel, Jim <
JJussel@benesch.com>; Johnson, Brad <BJohnson@benesch.com>
Subject: RE: Potential Truck Traffic


Yes and yes. Always part of the TIA. My Trip Gen is not the latest (and I don’t have it here at home) and so the applicant will need to do that. Plus, I wouldn’t normally do that work for them anyway, even if I had the correct information.


IMHO, the answer to the question about residential truck traffic is: none. It’s a pain to get out of that neighborhood compared to the signal on Topeka. Any deriver that does it once won’t do it twice, LOL.


If a TIA is required, I would have them include a signal warrant analysis for the Topeka signal. I think that removing the signal would not benefit the developer and I am not likely to pursue that course, but it is important that I know the status.


Does that help?


Kristi Ericksen

Traffic Engineer

City of Topeka



From: Michael Hall <mghall@topeka.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2021 10:11 AM
To: Kristi R. Ericksen <
kericksen@topeka.org>; Annie Driver <adriver@topeka.org>
Subject: Potential Truck Traffic


I have some questions you can probably help me with. 


We have a pre-app meeting next week for a potential rezone of the Gordman’s building on SW Topeka Blvd – to allow conversion to a warehouse.   The building has 90,250 sf.  Does the ITE manual provide an estimate of the range of truck traffic volume for this size and type of building?   Is there a way to estimate, from the total volume of truck trips, what percentage of those trips are likely to go west on SW Fillmore Street and then drive through the residential neighborhood? 


Mike Hall, AICP

Manager, Current Planning

City of Topeka




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